Spring Cleaning...........Your Life.

  1. Take one, give one. If your child gets a new toy or article of clothing, have him pick one of his own to give away to someone in need. Not only does this teach your child the gift of giving, it help keep your home from getting cluttered. Same goes for you when you get something new.

  2. If it’s not a “hell yeah,” say no! Everyone I meet seems over-booked -- always rushed, always busy. Every time you say yes to something, you are in effect saying no to something else. Protect your time so you can have some down time to regroup and reenergize.

  3. Batch your tasks. We all think we are great multitaskers. There is no good multi-tasking. In fact, our brains can only focus on one task at a time, so when we multitask we are actually just switching our attention between tasks very quickly. Our brains get worn out with the constant switching, and in the worst case scenarios, this inattention could actually be life-threatening (think texting and driving).

  4. Block your time. On your calendar, keep boundaries around what you have your time blocked for, and be true to that time. When you are with your kids, be fully with them. When you are working, be true to that time. Block out time to get done what you want done most.

  5. Compile one list. Most of us have about ten million lists -- written on sticky notes, legal pads, paper scraps, apps and computer programs. Handy in the moment, these scattered lists quickly become a waste of valuable time, proving to be inefficient and overwhelming. The solution? Choose one single tool for your master list. As much as I like pen to paper, I think the wise choice today is a virtual list that is accessible on your phone and computer.

  6. Keep only what brings you joy. Do a sweep of your house and literally get rid of everything that you aren’t using and no longer brings you joy. It is so much easier to stay tidy and organized with less stuff. Donate it all to charity!

  7. Just do it. Whatever task has been cluttering your brain and just isn’t getting done, select a date, commit and do it. It will feel better instantaneously to know there is a plan for those unfinished tasks. 

  8.  Journal. This might sound strange but journal and do a brain dump of all that’s on your mind. Something happens when you put pen to paper and you will feel a clearing. Think of it as spring cleaning for your brain.

Lisa Druxman is a mom, entrepreneur and founder of FIT4MOM and author of The Empowered Mama: How to Reclaim Your Time andYourself While Raising a Happy, Healthy Family.

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