Grounded in Gratitude

My theme for the month (and maybe my life) is Grounded In Gratitude. It is perhaps one my favorite things to share. Because I so believe in it. Because it is sooooo easy to add into your life. And because the benefits run so deep.. Gratitude isn’t something that should just happen at Thanksgiving. It’s something that you want to be a part of your daily life.

No matter where you are at in your journey, I know your blessings are too many to count. We have hearts that beat, lungs that breathe, water to drink and beds to sleep in. If you deliberately count your blessings right now, no matter what you are going through, you will start to feel more peaceful. Happier. Healthier. Gratitude helps us to feel more positive and optimistic.. Gratitude enables us to appreciate ourselves, our lives, and others.

Gratitude helps our bodies produce “feel good” hormones that help us feel more relaxed, and more content.  This helps us turn off our “fight/flight/freeze” response and lowers stress hormones in our body. This provides clarity and space to make good decisions for ourselves. When we notice how ‘right’ our life circumstances are, we feel more in control. It’s hard to make good choices when you feel bad. Likewise, it’s hard to feel bad when you are grateful.

I have a gratitude notebook that I have filled out for years. It’s pretty cool to look back at years of all I have to be thankful for. I challenge myself to come up with things I have never thought of before.

At the end of the day, when your head hits the pillow. Ask yourself for five things you are grateful for. And any time you catch yourself complaining or feeling sorry for yourself, do a do-over thought like you think of something you are grateful for.. For example, if you catch yourself feeling bad about money, then do the thought over and be thankful that you have enough money for all of your needs. You have a roof over your head and food to eat.

Our happiness or lack of it, is driven from within us. The only person who can make you happier is YOU. The way we feel comes from the way we think. So if we want to change the way we feel, we need to change the way we think.

Want to experience more gratitude and joy? Click my photo to join The Mindful Mama!

Want to experience more gratitude and joy? Click my photo to join The Mindful Mama!

Here’s a little excerpt from my book, The Empowered Mama on gratitude...

You probably have friends on Facebook or heard from your friends that they’re doing a “gratitude challenge” where they come up with three things every day that they are grateful for. If you think that’s a wonderful idea, GREAT! Welcome aboard. If you’re rolling your eyes, thinking you are SO OVER this gratitude thing, then equally GREAT! We can all use this practice.

I promised I would make this simple, so I’ll just say this: The more grateful you are, the more grateful you are. Yes, read that again. When you express your gratitude and your thanks, it grows—even if it’s simply acknowledging to yourself that you’re grateful about some little thing, such as your kids getting ready for school on time one morning!

What you focus on is what you will get.

Let’s practice. List ten things you are grateful for, right now. List the first ten things that come up.











Notice how you feel after just ten gratitudes. Imagine what a shift you can make if you train yourself to be thankful about more and more things every day.

Take a moment now to decide what one tiny habit you can build into your day to help you remember to be grateful. Write that new habit down.

What I know to be true is that gratitude is good for you! See what happens when you bring it into your everyday!

Join me for an upcoming Vision Board Challenge for 2019 to create your best year ever and to gain an attitude of gratitude too. ;)

Just click HERE and you can reserve your spot! We start November 4th and end Nov 10th! It’s FREE and will be so much fun! The best part is that I’ll be going LIVE daily to walk you through my process so we can create together!

Get ready to create a life YOU LOVE to live with me!

Share your info and get a free meditation pack to get you started on creating your life with intention and ease.